Enjoy the World Cup but avoid the hangover

2 July 2018

Well….four years have passed and the World Cup football tournament has rolled around again. It’s once again time to put your patriotism to the test and support your country! #ComeOnEngland. As a result of the past few tournaments we have all become a little jaded as supporters but in 2018 we really have a team who we can get behind and we at BBP (or at least one of us) thinks we may have a chance of winning!

Supporting your team can mean that we can all kick back, relax, socialise and have a few drinks, although some of us will no doubt have more to drink than others. With matches taking place on weekdays, some of us who would not normally do so, will enjoy a drink on work night.

However, it is important to remember that going to work with a hangover can have an impact on your performance at work and in some cases safety at work can be affected. Read below for our top tips for avoiding lasting effects from a night of world cup madness.


  • As an Employee think very carefully before drinking to excess, on work nights.
  • If you know you are likely to drink to excess arrange leave with your employer for the morning/day after to recover rather than risk going into work whilst still effectively under the influence of alcohol.
  • Employers have the right to discipline or even dismiss staff in some circumstances if they breach any stated policy on alcohol in the work place.
  • Taking leave without permission, ie not turning up to work, or calling in sick when you have a hangover, are also grounds for an employer to commence disciplinary action.


  • Increased absence during the World Cup can be as much an issue as employees coming into work worse for wear.
  • Consider setting out a clear policy in relation to permitted leave during the World Cup.
    Some businesses are able to offer some degree of flexible working which may benefit staff who wish to take time off to watch matches and are then able to work back those hours on a different day.
  • Implement or review and re-circulate the business policy on drugs and alcohol in the workplace ensuring that this covers your right to send home any employee who is clearly still under the influence from the night before.
  • If a member of staff is suspected of being hung over the best approach is to ask privately whether they feel ok and whether they are capable of working. If there is a potential health and safety risk but it is not appropriate to send the employee home consider alternative tasks for that day.
  • Commencing disciplinary action may not always be the most appropriate course of action. We would strongly recommend that legal advice be sought before taking disciplinary action against any member of staff, particularly in relation to an isolated incident.

For further advice or information please contact Jenny Pearson on 01524 401010 or via email on jpp@bbpsolicitors.co.uk.

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